NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting:
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting that in a spear time Vladimir Vladimirovich is working on his memoirs and at the moment writing a chapter about his healthy life and lifestyle as a leader of a country describing his diet and his way of fighting common illnesses, obviously many doctors involved in caring about the President health are helping him with his memoirs that will be a great book to follow for the future generation of leaders.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting that however the title of the article can greatly serve for the spy story of even the comics book it is not suitable or nearly creatable for official news press release.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting to be more careful with the historical references and reminding that it was the Soviet Union who was Leading the Nuremberg prosecution process against the Nazi Germany represented by Roman Rudenko.
NEWS REACTION: Да, Россия противостоит НАТО, но не на поле боя а на шахматной доске и не для того чтобы поставить комуто мат, а чтобы обеспечить мир во всем мире.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting to move Vladimir Zelensky to the permanent work in Hollywood, so he can apply his skills and experience to the field of his profession, however it should be a great lesson what can happened in a world if the artist is not working by his specialization but instead being placed as a leader to official government role. (ps. the artist role is to show not to rule)
NEWS REACTION: Historical Reference:
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting that enhanced image of Actor can not be used without permission: Federal Lanham Act, California right of publicity and other jurisdictions.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting that it would not be a pressure of sanctions against certain honest Russian born successful businessmen if Vladimir Vladimirovich did not care about "his oligarchs" so stop harassing Roma or I have to fly Russia to get Microsoft assets unfrozen. :) You are betting his expensive toys over our country economic strategy.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers notably suggesting to do not mix the historical references but to concentrate on the remembrance of the heroism of Russian people who saved the world in the WWII inspired by the figure of Josef Stalin.
NEWS REACTION: Legal Advisers would like to inform that special satellite security technology has been invented to protect the leaders of world most important states from potential terrorists. (ps. it was suggested that in terms of the capabilities of mentioned technology potential terrorists should be afraid of Bad Weather, God, United Nations as the matter of choice)